Monday, November 28, 2011

My Happy List


Lately reading about this such posts on other blog, so here's my version..

11 (simple) things that make me terribly happy

pic 'nyomot' from Ajang's fb
1.  dancing
2.  all about dogs, even just seeing pictures of them
3.  drawing, without compulsion and deadline
4.  reading new post on blogs i love
5.  going to the beach
6.  listening to the sound of rain outside while I'm sleeping
7.  starring at the running view from the window inside any vehicle I'm on
8.  going to craft store and crafting of course
9.  finding something with polkadot print on it
10. wearing skirt
11. daydreaming

what's yours? :)

Hasta luego!

I get along without you very well...


This post gonna be short. Just wanna tell what happened today. 
Hari ini ikutan inventory akhir tahun nursery. Capek otak. Seharian ngitung tanaman yang masih tersisa di nursery sampai akhir tahun 2011 ini. Nyeww. Sama aja ternyata kerja fisik dan kerja otak. Sama-sama capek. But I enjoy this more. Mungkin saya emang lebih cocok berkarir di dunia eksak ya? Hmmm..

Btw, saya lagi suka sama Prisa. Iyah Prisa penyanyi Indonesia yang jago main gitar itu lohhh,, Ini gara2 salah satu temen fb saya ngeshare videonya dia.. Hrrr,, jd pengen bisa main gitar. Ketuaan kali yah kalo baru belajar di umur segini? hmmm..

I loooooooove this..

and this..

and also this.. (I always love the song, don't care who sing it)

Hasta luego!

Sunday, November 27, 2011



Played with my new curling iron last night and couldn't stop taking picture of me with the hair. I loveee my curly hair! What do you think? hehee..

and play dress up too! geez,, so random.. nyeheheee..

Hasta luego!



Happy late Thanksgiving!!
Thanksgiving adalah salah satu holiday yang paling ditunggu-tunggu di Amerika. Thanksgiving selalu jatuh di hari Kamis minggu keempat di bulan November. Saya kurang terlalu ngerti ya asal muasalnya Thanksgiving ini, tapi sih katanya sebagai tanda terima kasih buat orang-orang yang udah nemuin daratan Amerika pertama kalinya (which is mostly European) dan kenapa thanksgiving identik sama kalkun sih katanya karena jaman dulu kala di waktu Amerika masih banyak hutan, kalkunlah hewan yang paling gampang ditemukan. Itu short historynya yang saya juga nggak tau bener atau nggak,, hehee.. So, kemarin tuh kita akhirnya punya long weekend lagi. Mestinya saya libur dari hari Kamis, Jumat, Sabtu, dan Minggu. Tapi sayangnya liburan panjang agak terganggu sedikit sama jadwal shift kerja weekend: saya kebagian kerja Sabtunya. But that's oklah.. Well, saya nggak mau ngebahas tentang kerjanya tapi thanksgivingnya.

Jadi pas hari Kamis kemarin, intern diundang sama Luen untuk dinner di rumahnya. Selain intern, ada sodara-sodaranya Luen yang lain. Nah, itu kan malemnya ya, paginya biasanya org2 Amerika udah sibuk masak2 buat dinernya atau mungkin juga lagi sibuk berkunjung ke rumah sodaranya atau kenalannya. Btw, Thanksgiving ini katanya kaya semacam Lebarannya orang Amerika. Mereka yang tinggal jauh dari rumah biasanya bakal pulang kampung. Jadi semacam ajang kumpul-kumpul dan meyambung silaturahmi gitu deh.
Kalo di rumah saya, pagi-pagi ka Chiqa dan Joe udah mulai masak-masak. Ka Chiqa masak lasagna & caserol, joe masak pavlova (traditional Australian dessert) buat dibawa ke rumah Luen. Sedangkan saya masih males-malesan, guling-gulingan, tidur-tiduran. Rencananya mau masak kalkun yang dikasih company, tapi kok malesss yaa? Lagian malemnya juga bakalan makan kalkun di rumah Luen. So, saya nggak jadi masak hari itu dan malah asik aja nonton Thanksgiving Parade di NY yang disiarin di TV (Tou wrote about this), abis bosen nonton trus tidur lagi sampe akhirnya mesti siap2 dinner ke rumah Luen. What a lazy thursday! 

Miller family on action

Selesai dinner sekitar jam 9 dan sampe rumah jam 10 kurang. Nah, malam di hari Thanksgiving ini dikenal orang dengan nama Black Friday. Jadi ini adalah saat dimana toko-toko buka dari jam 12 malem dan semuanya menggelar diskon besar-besaran. Saya dan Ka Chiqa udah berencana ikutan black friday di salah satu mall di dekat rumah saya. Jadi pulang dari rumah Luen, kita tidur dulu simpen tenaga buat belanja nanti. Tapiiii,, ternyata kita berdua nggak ada yang bangun pas jam 12-nya. Hahaa.. Mungkin kita kecapean (atau mungkin kekenyangan) abis dari rumah Luen. Hehee, tapi saya nggak nyesel2 banget juga sih, soalnya nggak Black Friday juga saya udah sering banget belanja. Lagian beberapa store juga memperpanjang Black Friday ini sampe siangnya. Jadi Jumat pagi itu, saya dan Ka Chiqa pun berangkat ke Mall yang dituju. Kita mendatangi beberapa store, seperti Target, Best Buy, dan Northridge Mall. Target itu departemen store yang isinya macem-macem. Dari grocery, elektronik, perlengkapan rumah tangga, semuanya lengkap! Pas sampe sana, suasana lumayan rame tapi masih terkontrollah. Saya beli jeans dan curling iron (kaya rambut saya ga keriting aja yak? hehee..). lanjut ke Best Buy yang khusus jual barang-barang elektronik. Nah, disini baru ruamee banget! Mana nih yang katanya Amerika lagi krisis? bener-bener ga keliatan disini. Antrian di kasir pun panjang banget! Saya kesini mau cari DSLR, kebetulan saya liat di websitenya lagi diskon dan dapet gratis SD card, tapi ternyata harga toko dan harga online beda sodara-sodaraa,, jadi ya saya nggak jadi beli deh.. Abis itu, lanjut ke Northridge Mall. Sama seperti mall-mall di Indonesia, di dalam mall ini banyak toko-toko lagi. Tujuan pertama adalah JC Penney (semacam Metro). Di pintu masuk udah keliatan ada diskon sepatu. Pas masuk, yaolohhh ramenya naujubileee!! Orang bertebaran dimana-mana sampe jalanpun sulit, antrian kasir puanjaang banget, kotak sepatu dan sepatunya juga bertebaran dimana-mana. Diskonnya emang lumayan banget, hampir semua sepatu harganya jadi $20 atau $30 yang harga aslinya sekitar $50an. Sayangnya diskonnya cuma sampe jam 1. Saya dateng sekitar jam setengah 12-an dan ngeliat orang desek-desekan kaya gitu jadi bikin saya nggak semangat belanja. Sempet milih-milih dan nyoba-nyoba juga tapi nggak ada yang sreg. Yasudah deh nggak jadi belanja. Tapi yang saya salut nih, toko sepertinya udah mempersiapkan diri for that kind of madness, terlihat dari banyaknya mbak-mbak dan mas-mas (apa sih ya nyebutnya? pramuniaga?) yang siap membantu nyariin nomor sepatu yang diinginkan customer dan mereka sigap banget loh, kayaknya emang udah terlatih.. Nice!
Dari JC Penney, lanjut liat2 yang lain: Macy's, Wet Seal, Forever 21, Aeropostale, Vans,, masih nggak nemu juga loh yang saya pengen. Udah eneg juga kali ya ngeliat suasana mall yang rame banget. Dan terakhirnya masuk ke Old Navy. Sempet males liat antrian di kasir, tapi akhirnya saya belanja juga sih, dapet sweater dan tights.

Pulang dari shopping udah sekitar jam 6-an. Kita baru inget kalo kalkun nggak ditaro di freezer dari hari kemarinannya, jadi harus cepet-cepet dimasak sebelum bener-bener jadi bangkai. Btw, semua worker di nursery dapet kalkun atau ham gratis dari company tiap Thanksgiving. Mantep kan? Saya nggak tau apa ini kebijakan semua company di Amerika atau cuma di nursery tempat kerja saya aja.
Saya yang dari awal emang nggak semangat masak kalkun karena nggak ngerti caranya akhirnya mesti masak juga deh karena terpaksa dan untungnya ada Ka Chiqa juga yang bantuin. Dengan bantuan resep Martha Stewart dan proses memasak nan ribet yang lebih dari 7 jam (baru selesai dipanggang jam 3 pagi!) akhirnya jadilah kalkun ala Sendyyy! Yippi! Tampilan luarnya menggiurkan yak, rasanya juga not bad lahhh! :9

Yippii! FYI, buat yang belom pernah makan kalkun, rasanya more or less kaya ayam cuma lebih alot sedikit. 

Hasta luego! :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tiger Mom


Actually I have a lot to tell,, but I keep putting it off because I feel easily tired and feel sleepy sooner than usual. Omg, is that because I'm getting older and older everyday?? I remember when I was still in uni, I could sleep late almost everyday because of the never ending assignment. And noww? even at 8.30 PM I usually already start yawning. Arghh! Okay, before I fell asleep without writing anything, I better start now.. 
Tonight I wanna write a book review that finally I could finished after mmm.. about 6 weeks reading (or maybe more). Hehee.. The book is in english. <-- That's the answer if you ask why I need such time to finished it. Roughly, I just need a night or less than a week to finished a book in Bahasa Indonesia. For me, it needs more effort to read an english book. Sometimes in just one page there's more than 5 words that I didn't understand. So, usually I couldn't stand read more than 2 chapters a day. But I should proud of myself after finished a 237 pages book wrote in english with approximately 390 words per page, right? :p

pict from here
Ka Chiqa borrowed this book from Watsonville Public Library. She said this's a controversial book that told a true story about a very strict chinese mother and how she raised her two daughters. Then, I read the summary on the back of the book, it was said like this:

" Here are some things my daughters were never allowed to do: attend sleepover, have a playdate, be in school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch TV or play computer games, choose their own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than A, not be the #1 student in every subject except gym and drama, play any instrument other than the piano or violin, not play the piano or violin. "

What the heck! That's popped up in my mind as I read the summary. I was curious about the author, Amy Chua, and how she rules her family and how her daughters deal with it. I never agree of parents insist their wants to their kids and that's why I wanted to read this book.
But wait, the idea of this book doesn't similar with the other true story book, The Child Called It, that told about a child that being cruely tortured for years by his parents. No, this's totally different. This's more about how she educates her daughters using 'brain' not physically.
I really don't like about what she thought about her parenting in the few first chapters. I thought she's an over confident show-off mother. She thought she knew what's the best for her daughters and that's made me sick. This's also become one reason why I need a long time to finished this book: I hate the main character of this book. Sometimes I feel like I didn't wanna continue to read it but the I read it again anyway.
Amy Chua herself is a Harvard alumni and now a Law Proffesor at Yale. Her husband is a Jewish and also a Yale Proffesor. She always compared Chinese parenting versus Western Parenting and bragged that Chinese's is better. She said childhood was a training period. She chose what instrument that she thought suits her daughter. She obliged her daughters to practice 2-3 hours everyday, even on the weekend and also in vacation! OMG! That's crazy! She's crazy, precisely! 
That's my opinion at the first time, but as I read, read, and read, I saw that she did quite a good job actually. Her daughter are a straight A student at school, really well spoken, and have many friends. In music, they won in several prestigious competition in a very young age. The result is undoubtly very clear. Her ways of strict parenting works! 
My hatred feeling to Amy is diminished. She's very consistent and demanding in raising her daughters and it's not easy. I saw that Amy was ready to be disliked and hate by her daughters. And, she's not only struggle with the obedient first daughter, Sophia, but also the rebel, Lulu, the younger daughter. She believed that her daughters could do anything that they themself thought they couldn't. She's not just demanding because she would give appreciation and something unexpected if they could do it very well. 
In the end, she just realized that her Chinese parenting could not applied to any child (which she had a big fight with Lulu on their vacation at Rusia because Lulu just couldn't stand it anymore) because every child is different. She also finally wanted to listen what her daughter actually wants and let them did it (She let Lulu played tennis). She showed that she's just a loving mom with unusual ways to showed it.
After reading this book, I randomly search at google how's her family doing right now and I found a fact that her daughters finally turn to be a brilliant girls that every other girl would envy. Even Sophia (that made it to Harvard) , who used to be a shy and loner girl, became a confident, smart, and has a good sense of humor. I found a video on Youtube that  Sophia was giving a speech on her high school graduation and on that video, someone left a comment that maybe Amy Chua doesn't make mistake after all that somehow I agreed.   

This book make me thinking about something: Every child doesn't know what they really want is, so parents have to guide them to find what they want to do for they future. It's not that I definitely will adopted Amy's ways in parenting whenever I have kids in the future. I don't want to be a tiger mom.
I just remember about 19 years back when I was still a toddler, I really like to draw and always won a competition and I also like to play with keyboard piano at my mom's school (my mom is a teacher). I'm wondering, didn't my parents saw my interest in that two things? Because they never push me to develop that talent, so now my ability in drawing is just mediocre and I can't play even just one music instrument. I don't want to regret what my parents have give to me all this time, I just want to do something different to my kids in the future. I will watch my kids closely so I know what they good at and will push them to improve their skill since a young age. It sounds easy right? I don't know what will the future brings, I just hope they can do better than me. Amin. ;) (btw, kok jadi ngayal punya anak ajee gw..)

Hasta luego!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Happy Last Saturday


Last saturday went really well I guess.
First, we went to Michael's, this's the name of the craft store in here. And I looovveeeeeeee this place so much! First time I came here, I went crazy! I feel like I wanna buy everything in this store. gosh! That's the second time I went there and thankfully I already had a list what should I buy that would made me keep on track so I wasn't get lost and ended up buying something I actually don't really need just like the first time. Hehee..
what I got yesterday:
1. misc ribbon (my fav is the blue polkadot, ♥ that pattern so much!)
2. wool
3. cute heart plastic box
what I got at first visit:
1 fancy paper (they're on sale $1 for 6! yayness! I bought 18 sheets)
2. cute stamps ($1 for 3,including ink pad)
3. mini puch
4. sticky notes with S symbol
5. misc ribbon (the bottom one is really sweeet!)

After that, we watched Breaking Dawn Part 1,, I can't believe that will be the first movie I saw again after almost 4 months not going to the cinema. Hahaa.. I only watched the first one and I like it, but don't know why, I'm il-feel with the second and the third. Yesterday was the second day the movie was released, so as expected, there was quite a line at the front door, with mostly teenagers in it. Ha! And the studio was full, even we got not very comfort seat, which was at the fifth row from the big screen. And yes, I clearly could hear that some of that teens screamed when Edward or Jacob were on the screen (sama aja alaynya men.. :p).
So, the latest movie surprisingly turn to be not as bad as I thought before. Well, maybe because I didn't expect too much from the beginning and I know that the rating is only 4.2 out of 10 (based on IMDB). For me who read the book, it's quite represent my imagination, except, yeah, the casts of course. My housemate said Stewart and Pattinson are always look like they're in pain when they act. Hahaa! Couldn't agree more! And oh, my favorite part is the wedding! It's outdoor, in the middle oh forest, white flower everywhere, and the same song  when Bella and Edward dance in the end of first movie was played again. I love that scene!
Okay, that's a short review I can tell you guys. Time for you to decide. ;)

Back from the cinema, we got picked from home by Irma & Luis at 6 to attended the event called Shrimp and Crab Festival. That's an annual charity event brought by Portuguese community in East Lake Area. Every year Manuel, my boss, bought the charity ticket, which was not cheap, for the interns. So, we could ate all that shrimp and crab as much as our stomach could handle. Yaayy!! Thank you Manuel! :9

we sat along the long table and they gonna brought the food
it's crazy! they kept asking 'do you want more shrimp or crab?'
the next one up to two hour since we took a seat
and there were also garlic bread and salad on the menu
white wine + soda = cooler wine,, this's taste better,
I like it! ;)
we're all using this plastic apron that made us look like a baby, hihii..
Soo,, that was my fun saturday story! Hasta luegooo! :D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pancake lover


My favorite breakfast ever is...

My pancakes never been looked so delicious. It always looked overcooked outside 
and I always can't flip it perfectly so more or less it always looked like this. But I love
it so much! I like it with powdered sugar or strawberry jam but no maple syrup please
And it can make me stand til lunch time! ♥

__my recipe__
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 egg
vanilla essence
cooked with butter

Hasta luego!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Postcards from heaven ;)


One of three postcard that I sent to Indonesia about 2 weeks ago had been arrived this morning (Indonesia time). This one is for my boyfriend. Yayy! So happy! It's faster than I thougt or worse I thought it's gonna lost somewhere and he would never receive it.

both pics taken from @Ajang_Ch timeline
I thought it needs longer time to arriving (since Indonesia has complicated residential planning), like the first week of December maybe. That's why I wrote birthday and grad greetings that both actually will just happen on December. It turns to be quite early ya bonn? hehehee..

By the way, I can say that I love this kind of conventional correspondency. I have to wait and worry about it will safely arrived to the desired address or not thou. But that's the fun part I think. I feel like I do that with more effort than the instant ways do (e-mail & message on fb or twitter) and it become more special because there's handwriting of mine on it. 
I'll send you more! ♥

PS: I'm very happy to send you guys a postcard. Anyone interested can write the full address below. :)

Hasta luego!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sneak peak!


Just got back from Yosemite National Park! Dengan oleh2 kaki pegal dan sedikit flu & masuk angin, but it's all worth cause the view were aaaaaaaaaawwwsoooooommmeeee!!! 
Buuut, I'm not in the mood for writing long post right now. So, do wait! ;)

Hasta luego! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I want this 99%!


Lately, I've been craving for this:

pict from here

OMG! I always want a tattoo on my body since I was in high school. Not that big, just a small one, for the beginning. I want it whether at my back or nape or wrist. Auauauuaa,, mom please let me have one... I even already search for tattoo parlor near here. 

Monday, November 7, 2011



First time, I never believe in long distance relationship. I thought it was impossible for a girl and boy who love each other live separated. I said that simply because I didn't have one. Until now.
Well, this 8 months show me that LDR is exist and we made it! I left him when our relationship was just 4 months old. After nangis bombay for couple weeks before my flight, I had to face that there would be no more him beside me when I need him, inevitably. But, somehow there's always a way to keep up the relationship. Well yeah, there's tons of ways. In fact, I have a chat via-skype almost everyday. I think good communication is everything you need to maintain the LDR (but not only LDR, even if you can meet your gf or bf everyday, communication's still the key).

Okay, since today is our first anniversary, we had an easy quiz called 'FIRST' where we both remembering everything that have happened to us at the first time. Some question is not important and just for fun. ;D

1.   First movie we watched together?
      Step Up 3D
2.   First gift I gave to you?
      Kemeja garis2, hadiah ultah
3.   First gift you gave to me?
      unyu, aka nama boneka domba, dikasi sehari setelah kemarennya aku ngambek
4.   First place we had a date?
      Botani Square
5.   First fast food?
      Pizza Hut Botani
6.   First Halloween we celebrate together? where?
      of course last year Halloween, at Death by Chocolate, with their not-even-creepy and silly ghost :p
7.   First concert we watch together? Where?
      Endah n Rhesa & Maliq and d'Essentials at Gumati Batu Tulis
8.   First time you met my mother?
      my graduation, 1 Desember 2010, but I still introduce you as a 'friend',, hehee..
9.   First flower you gave me? What kind & color? When? How many?
      7 white and red roses at my graduation
10. First flower I gave you? What kind & color? When? How many?
      Rose also. Yellow. Only one. February grad, (iseng, hehee..)
11. First place in Jakarta that we visit together?
12. First special nickname we used to call each other?
      Bebi (ini dia yang inget, saya ingetnya 'bebeb', ternyata salah, hohoo..)  

That's all we remember, maybe I will add another next time. 

Soooo,, for my bondibebi that's a thousand miles away from me right now, this post is devoted to you. 
Happy first anniversary darl! 
I hope the next 4 months are just as smooth as the other 8!  
I ♥ U!

Hasta luego!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Saving Time


So hari ini saya bangun dan langsung liat jam di hp, baru jam setengah 10 (maklumlah hari minggu),, trus seperti biasa bangun pagi perut udah laper, lalu ke dapurlah saya. Pas ngelewatin ruang tamu, jam ruang tamu kok udah menunjukkan waktu jam setengah 11 aja. Hmmm,, buru-buru saya tanya Ka Chiqa. Ternyata, Daylight Saving Time (DST) sudah diberlakukan sejak hari ini. Dan jam hp dan laptop bakal berubah otomatis (kalo punya saya sih ya..), tapi karena jam dinding nggak bersifat otomatis makanya masih menunjukkan waktu yang salah. 
Beberapa orang sempet mention couple days ago kalo sebentar lagi jam bakal dimundurin berkaitan dengan berubahnya musim, yang bikin matahari pagi akan datang lebih lama (means, pagi bakal lebih gelap dr biasanya) dan matahari sore akan lebih cepat terbenam (means, sore hari bakal terasa seperti malam hari). Singkatnya daylight akan menjadi lebih pendek. That's why orang sini memberlakukan DST, yang artinya jam akan maju 1 jam saat awal spring dan mundur 1 jam saat awal winter.

Menurut saya, hal ini cukup unik dan honestly lumayan membingungkan. Saya inget waktu saya baru sampe di US, Luen juga sempet mention tentang hal ini. Waktu itu spring baru mau dimulai. Dia lagi mendiskusikan tentang DST ini sama istrinya, trus dia menjelaskan ke saya. Waktu itu saya kira DST cuma peraturan nursery aja. Ternyata pas saya cari di wikipedia, hal ini berlaku worldwide, termasuk Europe dan negara-negara 4 musim lainnya. Tapi wikipedia bilang, DST itu berlakunya pas spring dimulai (waktu dimajuin sejam karena matahari muncul lebih cepat di pagi hari) dan sekarang, near winter, saat DST berakhir (waktu dimundurin sejam karena matahari pagi lebih lama munculnya). Lebih jelasnya harap liat wikipedia sendiri yakk.. ;p

Berarti nih ya, kalo saya nggak salah ngerti, mulai besok sepertinya saya bisa bangun lebih siang 1 jam. Eh, iya nggak sih? duh, sebenernya saya juga masih bingung.. Hahaa.. 

bukan, ini bukan kuis 'carilah perbedaan', ini ilustrasi DST sesuai pengertian saya :p 
Yak, itu yang saya bisa jelaskeun. Yang lebih mengerti atau malah lebih bingung dari saya, harap isi comment box di bawah, nanti saya tanggapi sebisa saya! Selamat hari minggu! :p

Hasta luego!