Sunday, July 24, 2011

Self Timer! ♥

Another weekend shift this saturday. Start with cloudy, end with sunny. This's what so called tipical California summer weather. Tapi kalo mendung malah bagus karna saya nggak perlu nyiram banyak tanaman dan cepet pulang deh,, eheheehh.. ;)

Warning: there's gonna be a lot of narcissism. Well, everybody loves taking pictures, right? ;p
tadi saya muter2 pake electric car inih
purple flower under the oak tree
♥ this view
Phlebodium aureum 'Aerolatum', like the natural pattern they made and the color's just perfect
Doryopteris cordata, saya perhatiin tanaman macem2 bgini di Indo gampang banget tumbuh dimana-mana, tapi disini sengaja diperbanyak dan ada yang beli,, selera bule beda yehh,,
another nursery view
nice tree
canning machine, biasanya buat nanem tanaman di dalam pot 1 gallon
macem2 tipe soil & peatmoss buat media tanam
mesin buat isi media tanam khusus quarts
casitas, house in spanish, semacam green house dalam ukuran kecil
Petunia sp, isi salah satu casitas, love the purple one
siap siaappp semuanyaaahhhhh... :D
me and my bestfriend: my green bike :p
FYI, foto2 ini diambil pas masih jam kerja,, hahaa.. Pas saya baru aja selesai foto2 di gerbera house, tiba-tiba grower saya dateng dan lewat aja gituh,, kaget! untung udah selesai foto2nyah,, hahaa! Btw, disini saya belom nemu temen yang hobinya foto2 juga kayak saya, kasian yah? Jadi kangen Tengtong Family.. :')
finally the sun's showing, beautiful sky!
Okay, that's my saturday. Will do post more picts about nursery. Hope you don't get bored. Ah, one more thing, below is inspiring link for a landscape architect. I got the info from my friend, Wenda, and she kindly wish I could be the next her (in the link). Aminnn! ♥

Hasta manana! :D

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